Where do you want to go?

 2 nights (26/10 - 28/10) for  2 adults, Bed and breakfast

Corporate information

Business name Emilia Romagna Welcome rete di imprese
Registered office address Via Evangelisti 4
48015 Cervia (Ra)
VAT Registration Number 02540800394

Privacy Policy

Emilia Romagna Welcome Privacy Policy and notice are provided to the User and the interested party concerning the processing of personal information ("Info") pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree 196 dated June 30, 2003 ("Privacy Code").

1. Referral. For definitions and terms and conditions of use of the Portal, refer to the page "Conditions of use."

2. Holder. Emilia Romagna Welcome  in the person of its legal representative pro tempore, with registered office in Cervia, Via Evangelisti 4 (48015), PI 02540800394 ("ERW" or "Company"), as the holder of the Information being processed ("Holder"), provides information to Users and interested parties concerning processing with this notice, remaining available to them for any clarification or request concerning this matter.

3. Scope of Application. This notice is directed to all persons that for any reason come in contact with the Holder through the internet portal called EmiliaRomagnaWelcome (the "Portal"), which can be reached at the URL www.emiliaromagnawelcome.com, whether these are physical persons or legal persons, bodies or associations. This notice supplements and includes all other information that has on occasion been given verbally and/or in writing by the Holder.

4. Source and Nature of the Information. The Information processed by the Holder is that supplied directly by the interested party by filling out the form found on the Portal. The contribution of this Information is not in any way mandatory by law, but failure to supply it prevents provision of the Services described in the Portal, as specified on the page "Conditions of Use." The indications given in the forms to be filled out on-line concerning the "mandatory" (or else "optional") nature of the Information provided warns that failure to supply the Information in question, or objection to processing of this information on legitimate grounds, prevents the Services described in the Portal from being provided. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail to the addresses indicated on the Portal leads to the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, which is necessary to answer requests, as well as any other personal information contained in the message.

Personal information provided by Users that forward requests to send informational material is used only to perform the service requested and is given to third parties only in the event that it is necessary for this purpose.

Cookies. No relevant personal information of the Users is acquired by the Portal. Cookies are not used to send information of a personal nature, nor are so-called persistent cookies of any kind or User tracking systems used. The use of so-called session cookies (which are recorded on the User's computer and erased when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to sending session identifiers (made up of random numbers generated by the server), which are necessary for allowing safe and efficient browsing of the Portal. The so-called session cookies used in this site avoid resorting to other digital techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of user navigation, and they do not allow the acquisition of the User’s personal identification information. 

Images and photos published on the site. ERW, with the use of the Portal also concerns itself with the protection provided for by the civil code (art. 10, "Abuse of others' images") and by copyright laws (law 633/1941), that require the consent of the person depicted, unless reproduction of the image is justified by the notoriety or public role of the photographed individual, or necessity by police or the law, or when the photograph is tied to events of public interest or that took place in public. Copyright law forbids in any case the display or sale of photographs when they cause detriment to the honour, reputation or even decorum of the person depicted.

5. Processing Purposes. Contribution of Information accomplishes the following purposes: functioning of the Portal as a virtual meeting place; management of orders and invoices; contract stipulation; fulfilment of contractual or legal obligations; completion of User help services through the call centre. If the Information collected is used for advertising and/or marketing purposes (for example, sending of personalized newsletters), the Holder will take care to collect specific consent for this and, above all, process the information necessary for these operations (e-mail account) separately from the other Information of the interested party.

6. Type of Information Processed. The Information processed by the holder is classified as common (name, surname, company name, residence or company offices, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, VAT registration number, tax id number) and is necessary to allow identification of the User in compliance with the purposes stated above.

7. Credit and/or Debit Card. The Holder does not process credit and/or debit card information provided by the interested party for the purposes of reservation and/or payment of the services purchased from time to time. This information is provided directly by the interested party to the Financial Broker after accessing a platform that is completely distinct from the Portal, managed with adequate security measures by the Financial Broker, who is solely responsible for it, as laid out in the "Conditions of use".

8. Terms and Conditions of Processing. Information Processing can be done with or without electronic tools, with logical procedures closely tied to processing purposes. The Information processed is not subject to transfer or circulation of any kind.

9. Holding of Information. The Information processed by the Holder will be cancelled from the Portal Database twenty-four months after the last access to the Portal (log-in).

10. Consent. The Information processed by PRE and the processing purposes fall within the hypothesis for which the Privacy Code does not require the provision of the interested party’s consent (article 24). The Holder will take care to collect the consent in the event that this is required by the regulations stated in the Privacy Code for the type of Information or for the purposes of its processing.

11. Persons in Charge of and Responsible for Processing. Within the context of the Company, the Information will be processed by members of the company’s boards (for administration and auditing), as well as employees and/or collaborators of the Holder, who have been designated as responsible for processing and have received adequate operational instructions in this respect. The Information may also be processed by the Holder's legal, financial and computer consultants, for needs closely connected to their respective professional roles; for this purpose, they will be nominated responsible for processing and will receive the necessary and appropriate instructions.

12. Internet Information Processing. In addition to what has already been stated in point 4 above concerning Cookies, the Holder does not carry out on the Portal any kind of traffic surveying and/or automatic acquisition of Information on persons browsing through the use of spyware or other tools/computer programs of which the person viewing the site has not been previously notified. To guarantee optimization and efficient navigation of the Portal, the Holder uses only session Cookies, thanks to which insertion of Identifying Codes by the User is requested only once for each session. These Cookies are not recorded in a persistent way on the User’s computer, and disappear upon closing of the browser and/or session.

13. Applied Principles. The Holder collects and processes Information necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above, and carries out this processing in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, non-exaggeration and proportionality established by the Privacy Code.

14. Rights of the Interested Party. The interested party can refer to the Holder to exercise his/her rights as provided for by the Privacy Code (article 7, given in its entirety below), and, in particular, access his/her Information, request its correction and update, as well as object to processing on legitimate grounds. Further information on rights and on how to exercise them can be found on the web site of the Privacy Guarantor, http://www.garanteprivacy.it/garante/navig/jsp/index.jsp.

Legislative Decree 196 dated June 30, 2003 - Article 7 - (Right to access personal information and other rights)

1. The interested party shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal information concerning him exists, regardless of its being already recorded, and communication of such information in intelligible form.

2. The interested party shall have the right to be informed:

a. of the source of the personal information; 
b. of the purposes and methods of the processing; 
c. of the logic applied to the processing if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means; 
d. of the identification information concerning the holder, processors and representative designated as per article 5, paragraph 2; 
e. of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal information may be communicated or that may come to know said information in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, processor(s) and or person(s) in charge of processing.

3. The interested party shall have the right to obtain:

a. updating, correction or, where interested therein, integration of the information; 
b. erasure, anonymisation or blocking of information that has been processed unlawfully, including information whose retention in unnecessary for the purposes for which it has been collected or subsequently processed; 
c. certification to the fact that the operations as stated under letters a) and b) have been made known, with regard to their content, as well, to the entities to which the information was communicated or disseminated, unless fulfilment of this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort in comparison with the right to be protected.

4. The interested party shall have the right to object, in whole or in part:

  • on legitimate grounds to the processing of personal information concerning him/her, even though it is relevant to the purpose of the collection;
  • to the processing of personal information concerning him/her where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for the purpose of market or commercial communication surveys.


Cookies are data created on a server that are stored in text files on the hard disk of your computer and allow the operation of this website, the use of a specific functionality explicitly requested by the user, that is, they are allowing to enhance the operation of this website, like for example cookies that make the browsing faster or are showing content of interest to the user depending on previous choices. Cookies can be permanent (persistent cookies), but can also have a limited duration (session cookies). This website uses both persistent and session cookies. Session cookies are not permanently stored on your computer and disappear when the browser is closed. The persistent ones serve to customize the browsing, depending on the instrument used by the user (computer, tablet, smartphone), as well as third-party cookies that are used to analyze the site access (e.g. Google Analytics) and to allow users to share the site content through social networks (FB) or email (Add This). These cookies are stored permanently on your computer and have a variable duration.

Google Analytics Cookies
Our site uses Google Analytics Google, Inc., a service that provides statistical measurement and analysis of the performance of the site through the use of cookies. To consult the privacy policy of the Google Analytics service, please visit http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html. For the Google privacy policy, we point out the following address http://www.google.com/intl/it/privacy/privacy-policy.html.) 

Google Adwords & Google Remarketing Cookies
This website may use the Google Adwords and Google Remarketing technology. Both are managed by Google Inc. The AdWords conversion tracking function also uses cookies. To help us keep track of sales and other conversions, a cookie is added to a user's computer when a user clicks on an ad. This cookie lasts 30 days and does not collect or monitor information that can personally identify a user. Users can disable Google conversion tracking cookies in the settings of their Internet browser. In some cases, cookies may cause problems when accessing or while browsing within your AdWords account. When this occurs, the best way to correct the problem is to empty the cache and eliminate saved cookies from your Internet browser. To learn more about this, click here: https://www.google.es/intl/it/policies/privacy/. And finally, a user can disable Google Analytics cookies by downloading a specific browser plug-in available at the following URL: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Facebook Cookies
This website may use Facebook Inc. cookies to monitor the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns and any remarketing action. Click here for more information about the use of cookies by Facebook Ads: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
A user can refuse the registration of persistent cookies on their hard drive by configuring their browser in such a way to disable cookies. Learn how to disable cookies in the major browsers: ChromeFirefoxInternet ExplorerSafariOpera. After this operation, however, some functions of web pages may not be performed properly.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user

Optional, explicit and voluntary e-mails sent to e-mail addresses listed on this website, or the form completion, involve the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address, necessary to respond to requests, and all other personal data included in the message by the customer.

Providing the Data

The user is free to provide personal data contained in the application forms or indicated in special sections of the website to request the sending of informative material or other communications. Lack to provide such data does not make it impossible to fulfill the request form in an anonymous manner. Personal data are processed by automated tools during the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access to the database.

Data processing modalities

Your personal data will be processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The user always has the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence of data referring to his person and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration, updating  or correction (art. 7 del d.lgs. n. 196/2003) (Art. 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003) . Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to refuse, in any case and for legitimate reasons, their processing. This privacy policy may be revised periodically and the use of the information collected is subject to the privacy policy in effect at time of use. This document, published at http://www.emiliaromagnawelcome.com, constitutes the Privacy Policy of this website and will be subject to updates from time to time and published bearing the date of update.

Versione informativa n.13 - ultima revisione: 07/06/2023 01:17:47

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