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Castles' stories


A tourist circuit of beatiful and well preserved castles in the provinces of Parma and Piacenza allows visitors to admire some of the most stunnigns castles in Italy. You will learn the story and deeds of the most important italian noble families: Borbone, Farnese, Landi, Pallavicino, Sforza, Lupi, Visconti, Malaspina, Rossi, Sanvitale up to Maria Luigia and Napoleon. Within their eminent manors, you will also admire several works of art, such as frescoes by Parmigianino.

- River Po Land’s Castles

· Rocca San Vitale di Fontanellato: surrounded by a moat filled with water, this castle houses the hall “Diana e Atteone” frescoed by Parmigianino.

· Rocca dei Rossi di San Secondo: the sumptuous residence of the Rossi family, celebrated in the superb, imposing Sala delle Gesta.

· Castello di Roccabianca: residence of Bianca, Pier Maria Rossi’s beloved, whose memory is preserved in the decoration under the portico.

· Rocca Meli Lupi di Soragna: founded at the end of the 14th century as a fortress, it became a precious princely home in the 18th century.

· Reggia di Colorno: in Italy it served as a border castle, later to become a sumptous ducal residence embellished by the huge, marvellous French-style garden.

· Antica Corte Pallavicina: the Castle on the Po with the oldest ineries of Italy where cured meats, culatelli, cheese and wines are sharpened .

- Castles in Val Ceno and in Val Taro

· Castello Pallavicino di Varano de’ Melegari: Pallavicino Castle of Varano de‘ Melegari. The castle dominates the Ceno Valley. You can visit the courtyard, staircase and grand staircase, walkways, prison Bentivoglio, main floor, ancient kitchens.

· Castello di Compiano: The towers of the castle dominate the Taro valley. It houses the “Gambarotta” collection of paintings and objets d’art.

· Fortezza di Bardi: It has dominated the Ceno Valley since the 9th century, first as a military garrison and then as a residence for the Landi princely family

- Castles in Pedemontana

· Castello di Torrechiara: For centuries, this castle has been the backdrop to the love story between Pier Maria and Bianca, as it is illustrated in the “Golden Chamber”..

· Castello di Montechiaurgolo: Built by the Condottiere Guido Torelli; it later became a meeting point for important artists and guests, thanks to the fame of Pomponio Torelli.

- Salsomaggiore Terme

· Castello di Scipione dei Marchesi Pallavicino: The castle, one of the most ancient of the region, was built in the XI century by Marquises Pallavicino, one of the rare lineages in Europe to have more than thousand years of documented history.

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